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Yes, virtually any animal can develop cancer

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Q: Can male guinea pigs have cancer?
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Can guinea pigs get cancer?

all animals including guinea pigs can get cancer

Do male guinea pigs have to be separated from their babies?

No,some male guinea pigs actually help clean and care for babies

Do male guinea pigs get pregnant?


What is guinea pig litter?

Male Guinea Pigs are called Boars, female Guinea Pigs are called Sows, and babby Guinea Pigs are called Pups. A group of Guinea Pigs is called a Herd. :)

Is it hard to find female guinea pigs?

not particularly, there are many female and male guinea pigs

What features do the male and female pig share in their abdominal region?

The main difference between male and female guinea pigs is the genitalia. Both male and female guinea pigs have six nipples and fur on their abdomen. By the way, in case you didn't know, male guinea pigs are called "boars" and female guinea pigs are called "sows".

What is the male pigs name?

It's is same for guinea pigs and normal pigs. Bore is male and Sow is Female.

What guinea pig is less aggressive girl or boy?

In general male guinea pigs are more aggressive than female guinea pigs, however, male guinea pigs also tend to be more outgoing and friendlier than females.

Can two male guinea pigs breed?


What is another name for male guinea pigs?

I think male guinea pigs are called boars. Or if you want a name for one i called mine Neo.

How do you get guinea pigs to realize other guinea pigs are male?

your guinea pigs should already know the others male.if you want to breed then keep them alone for a while.

Should you separate the adult male guinea pig from the adult female now with a pup?

Please do because adult male guinea pigs can attack, injure or even try and eat baby guinea pigs even though guinea pigs are vegetarians.