Anything specifically designated for either cats or dogs should never be given to another type of animal without the express recommendation of a veterinarian. Some things for domesticated pets can be harmful to other species.
can dogs give cats lice
dogs you can play with and walk
Yes, there are companies that make pet snacks with krill oil, to help get the omegas they need.
Dogs are fun to play with. cats sleep all day
well dogs are kinda more like a side kick and cats are more like family cats are related to lions and other wild cats dogs are related to wolfs so they will more like a hunter and protect you cats are alert and will give you signs that their is trouble near and cats cuddle a lot some dogs do but some dont both cats and dogs can do tricks and remember cats clean them selfs and you have to wash dogs
No, I don't think so. At least there is no scientific proof. Unfortunately, dogs can. Both Cats and dogs can serve as a carrier of strep throat, but only dogs can deliver it. Luckily, neither cats or dogs can feel strep throat. that is the best answer I can give you.
Yes, they do.
It's rainning cats and dogs
No, dogs cannot lay cat eggs. Dogs and cats are different species and have different reproductive systems. Dogs give birth to live puppies, while cats give birth to live kittens.
1. cats smell worse than dogs 2. cats have five things to hurt you with dogs have one 3. cats always leave half-eaten animals on your porch 4. cats have kittens twice as fast as dogs have pups 5. dogs are usaually friendlier than cats
No cause were stupid enough to give cats litter boxes and not dogs!