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Yes. I know you can get ecoli and ringworm if you're not careful. Just think about. How many guinea pig die because their owner played with them while they were sick? If we can pass illnesses on the them, then they can pass them on the us.

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14y ago

Yes. A guinea pig can catch almost any contagious illness from a person. For example,

they can catch colds, the flu, and maybe even bronchitis. Therefore, people who have

contagious illnesses should be careful around guinea pigs.

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Can you make your guinea pig ill?

No. Humans and Pigs don't share many illnesses.

Why do giney pigs die?

Guinea Pigs like humans cant live forever and eventually will get to the age that something will go wrong, sometimes guinea pigs get illnesses or they are injured, its the cycle of life.

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No. Guinea pigs can't catch illnesses from humans, or vice versa.

Can humans catch anything from guinea pigs?

No humans can not give lice to guinea pigs. Guinea pigs and small animals all have a different type of lice that can spread from pig to pig. Humans can't give it to pigs and pigs can't give it to humans, but they can give it to other small animals so be carfeful.

How long are guinea pigs?

Just like humans, guinea pigs vary in size :)

What diseases will guinea pigs carry?

Guinea pigs do not PASS diseases. Although, you can give your pet a cold or even a stomach bug.

Do guinea pigs like to mate?

Just as much as humans.

Are guinea pigs wild or social animals?

Social and wild, they are in between..They love being with other guinea pigs, but are sometimes weary of humans.

How Do Guinea Pigs react to humans?

Guinea pigs typically react positively to humans, especially if they are handled gently and regularly. They may become comfortable and affectionate with those who interact with them frequently. Guinea pigs can show signs of social bonding with humans through chirping, purring, or wheeking sounds.

Can i give Painkillers to guinea pigs?

not human ones! they are made for humans!

Can guinea pigs have dates?

no they are not humans they can't drink or kiss on cheeks?

Which animals do not produce their own Vitamin C?

Guinea pigs, humans.