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Maybe. Only maybe if you are allergic to guinea pigs and that's one of your symptoms. Otherwise I don't think guinea pigs give humans eye's infection.

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11y ago

Yes, because Guinea pigs tread in all sorts of things such as dead organisms and their own excrement. If these things got into a cut, the bacteria would infect it.

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Is a guinea pig cold transferable to humans?

No, a guinea pig's cold is not transferable to humans.

Can a guinea-pig die from an infected cut?

yes, it is possible.

Can a guinea pig catch humans colds?

Yes, the guinea pig can catch the common cold.

Can a guinea pig's infected leg heal?

No, it will never ever ever heal. sorry about your pig.

Can humans eat guinea pig treats?

Yes, humans can eat guinea pig treats. However, if you eat enough of them, you will probably get sick.

How does a guinea pig give birth?

Like humans out the vigina

Your guinea pig has an infected foot from a fight with another guinea pig?

put it down. gunie pigs are prone to rabies and will kill people without notice given half the chance.

Do guinea pig need shots for rabies?

The primary source of an infection with rabies is getting in touch with saliva from an infected fox. The most likely way in which a guinea pig can get in touch with a fox's saliva is by getting bitten by a fox - in which case, the guinea pig is most likely dead, and need no longer worry about a rabies infection. However, in the event of exposure to a possibly infected animal, such as a fox raiding a guinea pig pen and leaving some survivors, you should probably seek advise from a vet. One risk is that the guinea pig has become infected, but the far more serious risk is that you might be infected in turn, by way of handling the guinea pig, disposing of dead (bitten) ones, cleaning out the pen and putting things back in order, etc. Rabies is a highly infectious disease which must be taken very seriously indeed. Touching a mere trace of infected saliva can be enough to contract the disease.

How do guinea pig babies come out?

Since the guinea pig is a mammal, they come out the same way as humans, except guinea pigs are born with their fur, teeth and are already able to see and walk.

Why does guinea pig use as source of complement factor during laboratory work?

Becuase guinea pig's have a certain energy only humans can un-mask, therefore during mecanical work guinea pig's are fit and ready for the job

Are guinea pig sicknesses contagious?

Many including Pneumonia are contagious to other guinea pigs, if you have suspicions that your guinea pig is sick separate it from the others just in case they get it. But if you are thinking contagious to humans than the answer is no.

What type of reproduction does a guinea pig do?

Guinea pigs reproduce via sexual reproduction. This means that both a male and female guinea pig is needed to produce a guinea pig fetus. Much like humans, both a sperm and ova are required to start the life of a new creature.