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A horse's eyes are located on either side of his head which is a big advantage for them as a prey animal as it offers a wide, circular view, meaning they can detect stalking animals sneaking up from behind. This panoramic vision is 'monocular' ('mono' meaning 'one') which enables them to view their surroundings on both sides, with either eye. Their 'binocular' vision (with both eyes) is directed down their nose and not straight ahead and the horse actually has a blind spot in front of its forehead

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Q: Can horses only see straight
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Do quarter horses only race on a straight track?

No, they can also run around one turn.

Can horses see color?

Yes, horses can see color, but not nearly as well as humans can. Horse can see only a handful of colors, the others they cannot.

Do horses see color?

It's hard to say -- but people say horses can only see the colors purple, green, blue, and orange.

How can you see ALL the horses you've ever had on howrse?

Go to your profile page and click the link at the bottom to view the list of horses bred by you. You can only see those you bred yourself.

Do horses see colour?

I am pretty sure they can... I know that they can see red, so they must be able to. Cows can only see black and white.

How do gypsies steal horses?

They put a small plait in the mane of the horse. Usually, they'll get another gypsy to get back later that night to feel the horses to see which have been marked/plaited and they then steal them. If you own a horse and you find a plait in your horses mane, take it out straight away.

You got it srtaight from the horses mouth?

you got it straight from the source

What does a horses head help them do?

A horses head help them to see farther away than what they can see

Do horses see black and white?

No, horses do not see in black and white. They have dichromatic vision, meaning they can see shades of color, but their color range is limited compared to humans. Horses primarily see blues and yellows.

How many horses are in the Earth?

There are no horses in the earth, there are only horses on the earth

Who does a horse protect itself?

Horses run away when riding a horse the horse can still spook this is what horses do when they get scared or frighted but rarely they will fight but they still fight rarely for dominance but a lot of the time you will only see wild horses do this

Where can you see the top horses for each breed on horseisle?

There isn't a place where you can see the top horses of each breed, but if you go to the city hall and you can see records, and the top horses on the server.