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Milo can be fed to horses, but it is a heavier feed and hard for them to chew. It should be cracked before feeding and mixed in with a bulkier feed. it should also be noted that some horses will not like the taste and refuse to eat it.

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Yes horse can eat Milo, but it should be mixed with bulkier feeds. It also needs to be cracked open to allow better chewing.

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Q: Can horses eat Milo stalks
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Horses can eat green corn stalks if you want to feed them the stalks. It will not hurt a horse to eat green corn stalks. Answer 2: Technically, yes a horse can eat green corn stalks, that doesn't mean they should though. Horses cannot proccess the stalks enough to get much nutrition out of them. The corn stalks can also harbor fungus and bacteria that could cause problems for the horse.

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Horses can eat dried corn stalks in limited quantities, as they are high in fiber. However, fresh corn stalks should be avoided due to the risk of mold and potential digestive issues in horses. It's important to introduce new feed gradually and monitor your horse for any signs of discomfort or illness.

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Horses are herbivores that eat primarily roughage - grass, hay, stalks of various plants, etc. When they are out on pasture or are wild, they eat wherever the plants are - in the field, the pasture, the meadow, etc. When horses are stabled in a barn, they eat out of troughs or mangers.

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Deer, squirrels, raccoons, and birds such as crows and blackbirds are known to eat corn stalks. These animals may feed on the leaves, kernels, or stalks themselves depending on their diet and behavior.

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