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The respiratory system of the horse begins with the nares (nostrils) which can expand greatly during exercise.

They have a specially adapted nose just for this purpose.

They cannot breathe through their mouths just in case they inhale the food.

Horses normally only breathe through their noses. Due to their anatomy, when a horse inhales, it creates an airtight seal around the larynx, the opening to the trachea.
No, Only through their noses.

The nasal passages of a horse are large and flexible and designed to take large amounts of air into the horses lungs. When a horse is exercising at their maximum ability, the amount of air coming in increases ten times the normal. At the back of a horses throat, they have 2 "trap doors", so to speak, flaps of tissue that prevent food and other material from going into the horses lungs. These are called the soft palate and the epiglottis. The soft palate is a flap of tissue at the top of the back of the throat and hangs down. The epiglottis is a flap at the bottom of the back of the throat that points up. Working in harmony, these flaps open and close, letting only food and water go into the horses stomach and only air go into the horses lungs.

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I'm sure they can.

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Q: Can horses breath through their mouths?
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No horses can't pant. This is because the have no epoglottis in their throat which would enable them to breathe and eat through their mouths. They can only breate through their nose, and they can only eat through their mouths. They do breathe heavily through their noses though when they get hot.

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No Gills, we have lungs which we breath in and out with our mouths.

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they breath through their nostrils like most other mammals. I dont think that they breathe through their mouths at all, but I could be wrong about that.

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the penguins breath through there mouths dah dont you know your dum init everyoune SHE IS THE DUMMEST IN THE HOLE WORLD

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