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You can feed hamsters almonds sparingly as long as they are sweet almonds (the type used for snacking).

It is important that you never give a hamster a bitter almond (which is smaller but broader than a sweet almond and used mainly in cooking) as it contains a toxic amount of hydrogen cyanide which can be lethal to small animals.

A handful of bitter almonds is enough to poison a human, so it is unlikely you will need to worry if you buy your almonds from a snack section of a store as any bitter ones that do make it to these packs will have been processed to have the hydrogen cyanide removed.

The only other concern is that giving your hamster too many can be bad as they are high in fat content. Although they are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (the good ones) and low in saturated fats (the bad ones), too many can still cause obesity and therefore lead to problems.

My fiancé and I had a black and white syrian hamster called Smudge, who loved almonds and we gave him 2-3 a week as a treat and he lived until he was 3, so they're not harmful as long as you don't give them too much and don't use the bitter type.

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14y ago
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14y ago

No but you can give them a VERY small amount of chocolate as long as you watch them very closely and thay eat it and dont store it in there pouches or it could melt and kinda kill them dont worry its to tiny and plus its just brakeing a little bit off with your nail do it once a month and dont give them flumps my hamster screams and i was eating one with himhe had one end i had the other. I ate most of it and he was still eating and i took it away and ate it and he screamed.

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12y ago

if you rally need to know then fead it to them but do it slowly so it should be gone by two weeks but if it is not so important then dont worry

ps ifit gets a wet tail at the end of the changing food progres that means you have done it to fast and go to the vet strat away

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13y ago

No, you should not feed your hamster candy, cake, cookies, brownies, chocolate or all the other sweets out there. You can look online for a full list of things you should not feed to your hamster. If you want to feed you hamster a treat I suggest going to your local pet store and buying treats for hamsters.

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16y ago

Not a lot, just put 10 almonds in your teddy bear hamster's food holder.

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14y ago

Yes. Hamsters eat almonds. They also enjoy hamster food, fruits, vegetables, bread, chicken, eggs, pasta, pancakes, muffin and more just nothing greasy, sugary or chocolaty

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12y ago

If you give your hamster nuts it might be bad for them but i wouldnt if i where you

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15y ago

I don't think so.

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13y ago

no, hamsters should not eat candies.

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