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Q: Can guinea pigs legs cramp
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How guinea pigs move in its habitat?

They walk on four legs.

What if a guinea pigs back legs are pink?

That is completely normal :)

How can you tell the difference between a hamster and a ginypig?

One way to differentiate between a hamster and a guinea pig is by size. Guinea pigs are typically larger than hamsters. Additionally, guinea pigs have rounded bodies with shorter legs compared to the more slender bodies and longer legs of hamsters. Hamsters also have shorter ears and tails than guinea pigs.

Can Guinea Pigs walk on two legs?

It's possible, if the guinea pig has been train ever since it were little.

Why was your guinea pig born with only one eye?

Some times there are mutated guinea pigs. One Of Mine had 3 and a half legs.

Are guinea pigs a pig or?

No!!!!!!!They are actually part of the rodent family.

Are guinea pigs vegetarian?


How many guinea pigs do guinea pigs have?

I have three

Can you house a guinea pig with a dwarf lop?

No. Guinea pigs have very fine skeletons and rabbits have very strong legs. A kick from a rabbit can easily break a guinea pig's bones.

Why do guinea pigs drag their back legs?

Guinea pigs drag their back legs due to a condition called hind leg paresis, which can be caused by issues like Vitamin C deficiency, spinal injuries, or infections. It is important to consult a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.

Who gave the name 'guinea pigs' to guinea pigs?

Not sure, but guinea pigs aren't type of pigs. They're in the rodents family, and NOT pigs. Hope this helped?

Do guinea pigs or gerbils produce gnats?

No. Gerbils produce gerbils and guinea pigs produce guinea pigs