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Q: Can guinea pigs eat sycamore leaves?
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What can guinea pigs eat when they are outside?

Flowers and leaves are poisonous to guinea pigs but they can eat grass and dirt. Hope this helps!

Can guinea pigs eat lavender leaves?

I would think not guinea pigs can't eat leaves and I don't think that lavender would be an exception

Can guinea pigs eat mango leaves?

I think guinea pigs can certainty eat mango leaves if you peel it and don't give them to much because you don't know if its great for them.

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Can guinea pigs eat apple tree branches and leaves?


Can guinea pigs eat rotten leaves?

no they can't it will make them sick.

Where does a sycamore tree's leaves eat?

Sycamore tree leaves "eat" sunlight and carbon dioxide.

Do guinea pigs eat diandelion leaves?

yes guinea pigs love dandyelion leaves but try to avoid ones on roadsides because they are likely to be sprayed with weed killer.

What can guinea pigs eat from household food?

guinea pigs can eat veggies cut up salad leaves just be carefull with fruit so not to give them a squitty tummy

Can Guinea Pigs eat Celarie and Celarie leafs?

They can eat small quantities of celery, not sure about the leaves.

Is it safe for a guinea pig to eat dandy lion leaves?

guinea pigs like the yellow part of dandy lion leaves better than the leaves but before feeding them to guinea pigs make sure they haven't been sprayed with any weed killer

Can cavy eat radish leaves?

Cavies, or guinea pigs, are quite fond of fresh radish leaves. Radish leaves will not harm them in the least.