wen dey dont make pooey
Back in Black
What the heck? Not nice to do that to your pet!
There are various reasons why a dog may be constipated: ... the condition can occur in any dog who doesn't eat adequate amounts of fiber, get enough exercise ...
absolutely not.my dog swallowed a chicken bone hole and he was fine,but dont ever make a dog throw up.
yes Salami is OK to give to your dog
Yes, dog food can be quite binding.
they way u make a dog happy is by giving it lots of love and toys :)
The dog see's a reflection of him with the bone and thinks it is another dog with another bone.
This is a worrying question. Please stop giving your dog benadryl.
Spirit of the Radio.
No, dogs should only eat beef bones, the vets are frowning on giving bones now, but if your dog is in good health a beef bone once in a while is not harmful, a good hard bone one that cannot splnter. you lamb bone will splinter and may do some damage, don't give it to the dog