Contrary to popular belief current research shows that giraffes do not have long necks to reach food, rather they are used as "clubs" when competing with other males to mate with females. Giraffes with bigger, longer, stronger necks usually win and therfore get to mate passing on their genes to the next generation.
Giraffes use their necks in the same way we use ours. They are just longer.
Yes, they do.
Giraffes evovled with long necks so they can reach the tree and eat the leaves.
on their necks
giraffes have long necks and spots
They are tall and have long necks
They have long necks
Longer necks.
giraffe's with shorter necks died from starvation
I LOVE giraffes. There necks don't seem that long to me. They are intelligent
sometimes they bend down their super long necks, chew some leaves, and they smile at me., sometimes they do this while winking.