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I can't be certain, but I don't think guinea pigs actually learn their names.

It's more likely that they learn to recognise your voice, rather than to respond to their actual name.

So, if an owner calls to its guinea pig 'Roger, Roger' or whatever, it will probably learn to recognise his or her voice - and as it knows that owner - it will respond.

It might also associate the voice tone, or perhaps even the word (but that is less likely) to something.

For instance, if the owner calls to its guinea pig 'Roger, Roger' whilst he or she is feeding it, or petting it, then the guineapig will associate the owner's cry of 'Roger' with food or petting.

So basically, either way, when this owner cries out the name 'Roger' then the guinea pig will probably respond.

Then again, maybe there is a super intelligent guinea pig out there that learns its actual name, so even if the owner says it in a really souped up voice, it still recognises it. But, sorry to ruin it for you, I highly doubt that.

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13y ago
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14y ago

No, although some can respond to the sounds made whe stating their names. I am a lab resercher, and look at hamsters, who have a similar case.

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15y ago

Actually some guinea pigs can actually recognize their names , with time, of course.

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14y ago

Yes, they ca mine learded his btut its better 2 teach them when there young

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! no no. Gerbils are born with eyes, only they cannot open them for about a week - 2 weeks.Here's a really good website i used to learn about gerbils. I put it on the eyesight page: me, no viruses. It's great!

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They don't 'need' names, they'll never know, recognise or react to their name - naming them is more for our own convenience.

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yes they can learn other people's names

What do gerbils do the most?

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