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yes but it can give them a upset tummy and there mouth will be slimy

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Q: Can ferrets eat slugs
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Is it okay for ferrets to eat snails?

I've read about ferrets eating snails, apparently without harm. I would make sure that there was no treatment or poison that snails could have ingested. I've read about ferrets eating slugs, I'm not sure why. Maybe they are not getting their nutritional requirements in their diet.

Can slugs eat parsley?

Slugs can eat parsley. Slugs can eat anything, even if it kills it.

Can ferrets eat licorice?

Ferrets cannot eat licorice

What do snail and slugs eat?

snail and slugs eat garden debris

Do jackrabbits eat black footed ferrets?

No, but ferrets sometimes eat jackrabbits.

Do ferrets eat animals or plants?

Ferrets are obligate carnivores, so they don't eat vegetables. They can't get nutrients from vegetables. Do not feed any vegetables to your ferret as they cannot digest vegetable, fruits or any grains.

What insects can ferrets eat?

Ferrets are carnivores (meat eaters) and normally doesn't eat insects. However it has been known for ferrets to eat insects and various other things.

What kind of birds eat slugs?

Blackbirds, starlings and magpies normally eat slugs. They can die from eating them because some of the slugs are toxic.

do foxes eat ferrets?

Foxes primarily eat prairie dogs.

Can slugs eat apple or potato peels?

Yes, slugs will eat apple and potato peelings.

Do slugs eat vinca?

Yes, slugs will eat the leaves and exposed roots of the Vinca plant.

Do slugs eat pecan leaves?

Yes, slugs do eat pecan leaves. Slugs will feed on any type of vegetation, but one of their favorites things to eat are leaves that are tender.