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No. Rabits are herbivores meaning they eat only fruit and vegetables. Ferrets are the complete opposite. They are carnivores and should only be fed meat or meat based products. Feeding them foods such as fruit, vegetables, grains or dairy products can cause digestive upsets or in severe cases intestinal blockages which may require surgical treatment.

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14y ago

No, ferrets cannot eat rabbit food, it would kill them

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Q: Can ferrets eat rabbit food
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Do ferrets eat bunnies?

First Answer: Ferrets don't eat rabbits. Most rabbits are too big for them to consume. A different answer: Actually, ferrets and all weasels do attack, kill, and eat rabbits. Their method is to jump on the rabbit's back, where the rabbit can't defend themselves; they grip on to the rabbit's neck with their teeth until the rabbit loses strength and dies. Ferrets also kill and eat baby rabbits. In the home, it's very unlikely that a rabbit-ferret friendship will develop; oddly enough, it's much more likely that a rabbit will get along with a pet cat or dog!

When do ferrets eat?

Ferrets eat small amounts of food regularly. They will usually eat ever 3 or 4 hours.

Can a ferret eat pumpkin?

Ferrets are carnivores and should be given food made for ferrets only.

What kind of food and snacks do ferrets need to eat to get fat?

Ferrets will only eat what is necessary - they are carnivores (meaning meat eaters)

What do ferrets eat at 3 weeks?

Baby ferrets called kits need to eat a moisten dry food (consistency of oatmeal) or moist food in addition to their mother's milk.

What happens if ferret eat cat food?

A ferret can eat cat food, but not as a main source. They should be eating food made especially for ferrets only. A high quality kitten food can be a second source of food for ferrets.

Are ferrets a food in foreign countries?

Not that I'm aware of, but foreign countries have to eat what is available for food to live, for example some countries eat cats and dogs. So it is possible that ferrets are eaten for food.

Can ferrets eat guinea pig food?

Do not feed ferrets any guinea pig food or any other pet food. Feed ferrets food made especially for ferrets. They are strict carnivores (meat eater) and cannot properly digest any vegetables, fruits or grains.

Can horses eat rabbit food?

No because it can not digest a rabbit

What are rabbits enemines?

Ferrets, polecats, foxes, cats, dogs, badgers, lynxes, wild cats... Basically anything that will eat meat will eat a rabbit.

Does a ferret eat large amounts of food?

No, a ferrets only eats what it needs. Ferrets eat about every 4 hours, as they have a rapid digestive system. They need to have food and water available at all times.

Can you leave food out at night for ferrets?

Yes. Ferrets have fast metabolisms and need to eat about every 3 hours. It is best to leave food out 24/7