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I think so, they also hear higher frequency sounds.

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Q: Can dolphins hear longer than humans?
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Can a dolphin stay underwater longer than a human?

yes dolphins can stay under water much, much longer than humans can --------------- lol yeah about 3 hours longer

Do dolphins see better than people?

No, they just use echolocation to tell where things are. Echolocation is making shrill sounds that humans can't hear that bounce off things. The dolphins have special organs that allow them to hear these sound waves.

What animal can hear the best?

Dolphins can hear 14 times better than humans. They belong to the order Cetacea, which includes whales and porpoises, and there are 36 species of dolphins. The color of dolphins can be white, pink, gray, brown, black, and blue. Whales are actually dolphins, with the largest dolphin being the Orca, or killer whale.

Are dolfins more clever than people?

Dolphins are not clever than humans. If dolphins are better then they would have invented stuffs and they would have done stuffs that is better than humans.

Do all animals hear the same frequencies of sound as human do?

Some animals can hear higher frequencies than humans can. This is why animals can hear things like dog whistles, and we can't hear them. In all, animals can hear differently than humans in the way that they can hear more. Some animals can hear lower frequencies than humans can. Elephants can hear much lower frequencies than humans.

Are humans endangering dolphins?

Humans are drastically endangering dolphins in Asia (mostly in Japan) by constantly killing these creatures faster than they can reproduce.

Are most full grown dolphins longer or shorter than most fifth graders?

Are most full grown dolphins longer or shorter than fifth graders

What can make and hear sound vibrations different than humans can hear?

Some animals, such as dogs, have a higher frequency range of hearing than humans. Additionally, some animals, like elephants, can sense infrasound, which are vibrations below the range of human hearing. Conversely, certain marine animals, like whales and dolphins, can detect sound vibrations underwater at much greater distances than humans can on land.

How do animals hear better than humans?

YES! i think that dolphins have 15 times the hearing we do

What is the negative impact people are doing to dolphins?

Humans enjoy having intercourse with dolphins because it is way better than to commence intercourse with other humans.

Why do dolphins stay longer on land than in water?

Ok for one thing dolphins don't have to be in water! dolphins are mammal.So is the killer whale

How do dolphins become endangered?

Because humans are killing them faster than than they can breed.