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NO, dogs can not write. If you are very good dog trainer MAYBE, repeat MAYBE, you could train them to write. But otherwise the answer is no.

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Q: Can dogs write
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To write five sentences about dogs, think of something about dogs and put your thoughts in a complete sentence. For example: The dogs in the field across the road have been there for hours.

Is it OK to write true or false?

If you write them as questions yes - if you just write a statement you are not going to get the right answer because it is not a question. For example, don't write "Dogs are carnivores true or false" write "Are dogs carnivores?"

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Can you write a narrativeabout rescue dogs?

of course

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Un chien

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There are a lot of things that you could write about dogs... some of it depends on what the requirements are for the report, but mostly whatever you are interested in. You could write about what dogs would be best as pets, what dogs would be best as guard dogs, and what dogs would be best to lead blind people around, or herd cattle, or whatever. You could write about dog shows, or dog breeding, or the life of a dog in a pet store. I would sit down and brainstorm about what dog topics make you more interested, and then decide which ones to research and write about.

How do you write 'We have two dogs' in French?

To say "We have two dogs" in French, you would write "Nous avons deux chiens."

Could you write a sentence with assort in it?

I would like you to assort the dogs on this page.(its and example there are no dogs)

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Are dogs left or write handed?

i think u get to choose

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There is a population of prairie dogs in that field.

Write i on this page if your dogs name is max or if he is white n fluffy?
