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Yes they do. Dogs can interpret our moods and emotions by smell and facial expressions. They can also be trained to react to certain word sounds such as their name, ride, biscuit, sit etc. They can only understand the words in the human language that they have been trained to. If you have a conversation with your dog about how your day went they are not going to know what you're talking about. They will be able to tell if you are happy or upset.

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14y ago

Yes. Dogs can imagine. For an example, your dog probably visualizes a bowl full of delicious food when it smells meat, or it imagines chasing sticks for fun.

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It depends on the animals brain function.

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Q: Can dogs really understand humans
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Do dogs understand humans?

Dogs don't really understand Humans. they only understand human words they are trained or were trained to understand and logically speak like them. Some Specific Type of breed can understand words like, "heel" and "speak" and "sit" and "Jump."

Why humans they are the only creature that talk?

well humans can only understand humans. Dogs can only understand dogs, so i wouldn't say humans are the only ones who can talk. any species can only understand their own kind.

Are dogs really humans?


Can dogs be humans?

No dogs cant be humans. Unless you wish really hard for it to happen.

Can dogs really understand us?

They cannot understand your words but they can understand your feelings to a certain extent.

Can a dog give bith to a human?

No! That would be really creepy. Humans cant have dogs, and dogs cant have humans.

Why do humans feel bad for dogs?

Since they can be so " cute"....humans think that dogs do not understand...they try to reason with them, yet they need to know the human must be the leader!

Can dogs read minds?

no, you see dogs can understand some basic commands, and facial exspressions but they logically can not read a humans mind.

Do dog whisperers really understand dogs?

No they simply study dogs behavior the are like a dog behavioral analysis

Do dogs have tinnitus?

Can dogs get ringing in the ears if they are exposed to really loud noises all the time like humans

Did dogs really evolve from bears?

No, they evolved from humans,bears,cows and monkeys!

Can some dogs bark?

Yes, all dogs have the ability to bark as a form of vocalization. Barking is a common form of communication for dogs and can occur for various reasons such as alerting their owners, expressing excitement, or feeling anxious.