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If you mean, can a dog be bred with a rabbit, then no they cannot. Dogs and rabbits are different species and because of that, they cannot be bred with good or exceptable results. More than likely, any offspring resulting from the breeding of a dog and a rabbit would not survive. Dogs are carnivores and natural predators whereas rabbits are either herbivores or in some cases omnivores, and natural prey.

If you are asking if you can allow your dog and your rabbit to be in the same area of your house or yard together, that depends on the dog and the rabbit. Some dogs do not handle being around smaller animals very well because their predator instincts take over. If you do put them together, make sure that someone is there to supervise so that the dog doesn't get too aggressive with the rabbit.

The genetic make up is not the same.

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Q: Can dogs mix with rabbits
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No. Rabbits have Kits, dogs have puppies. GOATS have Kids.

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No rabbits can not get along with dogs because dogs will bark at them and try to eat them and rabbits will get scared.

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Rabbits are herbivores, so no.

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Dogs and bunnies have many differences. Here are some: 1. Dogs are popular pets and rabbits aren't popular pets 2.Rabbits can't see very well but dogs can 3.Rabbits have really long ears(about10 inches) but dogs don't 4.Rabbits hop but dogs don't 5.dogs run quick but rabbits only hop quick

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Why are dogs aggressive to rabbits?

Because that's the natural order of things: rabbits are prey and dogs are predators.Not all dogs are aggressive to rabbits, though. Pet rabbits and dogs have been known to get along very well (although they should never be left alone together, no matter how well they behave: too many rabbits have been lost that way).Some dog breeds tend to be more aggressive towards rabbits than others.

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Does Selena gomez have any rabbits?

Not as of now does Selena have any pet rabbits. She does have dogs though.