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Rabies is caused by the rabies virus (it is therfore an infection), which is carried in the saliva of an infected animal. To become infected an animal needs to be bitten by an infected animal.

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Do dogs have rabies?

Pretty much anything can get rabies, including dogs. If something has rabies and bites another thing, it can easily get rabies.

Do bush dogs have rabies?

Rabies can infect any mammal. However, most mammals, and most bush dogs, do not have rabies.

Where do dogs get rabies?

Dogs get rabies from being bitten by another animal that is already infected.

What are some ways dogs get rabies?

a dog can get rabies by another animal that has rabies biting him.

Can dogs get rabies?

All mammals can get rabies, and a dog is a mammal.

How dogs get infected by rabies?

like all animals dogs have to be bitten by another animal that already has rabies

Can dogs get rabies if they lick a mouse but they have the rabies protection injection?

Mice don't transmit rabies.

What is the difference of cats and dogs rabies?

Nothing, rabies is rabies regardless of the species of mammal it infects.

Do dogs get rabies?


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Can chipmunks give dogs rabies?

Yes. Any mammal can transmit rabies.

Can a dog get rabies from being in the sun?

No. A dog can only get rabies from contact with a rabies-infected animal.