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It depends on what kind of dog and how much apple you intend to feed it. I have a Mini Aussie and she was able to eat a slice or two of apple without puking her guts out. It also depends if they even like the apple.

Too many apples can be harmful to the dog, and they can die from it. See the related link.

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They can but I doubt if they would like them very much.
It depends on what kind of dog and how much apple you intend to feed it. I have a Mini Aussie and she was able to eat a slice or two of apple without puking her guts out. It also depends if they even like the apple.

Too many apples can be harmful to the dog, and they can die from it. See the related link.

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Q: Can dogs eat apples
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Are apples safe for doges to eat?

Yes, dogs can eat apples.

Can pitbill dogs eat apples?

Meaning can they eat apples as in are they allowed, or as in eating them without getting sick? Yes, pitbull dogs can eat apples, they generally love them to, but that's based on the pitbulls liking for that paticular food. Peace xXPeace_SceneXx

Is it ok if a dogs to eat apples?

Yes, but not the seeds of the apple.

Can dogs eat grapes if the vet said they need to eat fruits and vegetables?

yes, but apples are good too

Why can't dogs eat apples?

1. The seeds contain cyanide, but the rest of the apple is not harmful.

Can dogs eat apples will skins on?

YES but not the seeds.Yes dogs can eat apples. Make sure you core the apple before feeding you dog as the seeds contain arsenic. My dog loves apples, but not all dogs do. So it will depend on your dog, but apples can be a delicious and nutritious snack.yes dogs love applesthis is also very good for them.Think of it this way most of the time whats good for you is good for your dog so yes it is fine apples are very healthy..............My dog loves apples!!!!!!!!!Don't let your dog eat too many though. Dogs can get sick from apples if they eat too many.

Can dogs dogs eat blueberry's?

Yes, they can eat blueberries if they like to. Fruit should only be given as a treat if your dogs enjoy it, though it is unusual for dogs to eat fruit.Never give a dog grapes, avocado or the seeds of apples, as they are toxic to them.

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There are a number of different animals that eat crabgrass. These include goats, horses, cows, dogs, sheep, and rabbits.

Are Cockatiels allowed to eat apples?

yes, they are allowed to consume apples. The only thing tat i currently know of that dogs aren't allwoed to consume other than chocolate is grapes, since thy cause liver failure in all dogs

Are crab apples bad for dogs?

No, theyre fine to eat for humans and pets. The bitter taste is just a deterrent for bugs.

What kind of fruit can dogs eat?

Dogs can eat certain fruits like apples, bananas, blueberries, and watermelon in moderation. These fruits are safe for dogs to consume and can provide some nutritional benefits. However, it's important to remove any seeds or pits as they can be harmful.