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Can degu live outside

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Q: Can degus live outside
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Can you keep degus in an indoor rabbit cage?

Degus can live indoors no problem (actually, they should live indoors), but the size of the cage is a concern. Degus should live in communities -- at least, there should be two of them, but ideally there should be more than two. (Although, they must be introduced carefully; don't just throw a bunch of degus together!) Many "rabbit cages" on the market are too small for degus (and too small for rabbits!). A good-sized rabbit cage, multi-levelled, is fine for a few degus. Degus need toys and accessories in their cage, too.One person wrote: Try not to they could chew it up... There teeth are very sharp like they can chew stuff like cloths and blankets...

Can male degus live together?

YES if you don't want to breed degus the best option would be to keep males as degus have to live in pairs or groups and females are normally more bitey/stroppy if you want both boys and girls you could get the boys neutered but there is a risk like all animals there is a slight bigger risk with degus as they are smaller than say a dog but i have 3 degus that got neutered last year and they were perfectly fine hope this helped

Can degus live outdoors?

Degus are not well-suited for living outdoors as they are sensitive to extreme temperatures and humidity. They are best kept indoors in a well-ventilated and controlled environment to ensure their health and well-being.

How much do degu's cost?

A pair of degu's from pets at home is about £40.1 Degu is £25 but 2 degus are £40.

Are Degus marsupials?

No. Degus are rodents, and rodent are not marsupials.

What are baby degus called?

baby degus are called pups

How do degus sleep?

In piles with other degus and in their FLAT topped houses.

Are degus allergic to cornflakes?

Generally, no they are not. But some degus may be allergic. They should only have them as a rare treat, though, since degus are severely prone to becoming diabetic. -Mommy of twelve degus. Have had twenty-three.

Where is the degu live?

Degus are native to the South American country Chile. They can be found wild from central Chile to southern Pero. Degus can also be found in some parts of the Andes mountains up to a max altitude of 2000m.

What is good for degus to burrow in?

Mine loves to dig in a sandbox when I take him outside to play, if that helps :) do you have one? what's his/hers name? My degu's name is Charlie.

Do gerbils have any relations?

yes there are , there are degus , jerbowas , chinchillas , hamsters , mice , rats , basically all the rodents that live on this planet.

Can degus eat cuttlefish?
