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I would not recommend it as the flea killing agent is still on the skin. But you do have to get rid of those fleas on her. Give her a flea bath and then re wash the breast area with a good dog shampoo but not one meant to kill fleas & rinse very well. Check out the pups carefully if the Mom has fleas as they probably have them too. Take all the bedding out of her whelping box and wash thoroughly. You can spray some flea spray onto your hands lightly and then rub that onto the pups skin, keeping it away from their eyes. I recommend you spray the flea spray on your hands then wipe a circle around their necks first with your hands to try to prevent the fleas from running to the head area.

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Q: Can deflea bath a female dog while lacting puppies?
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Do you separate a male dog from the female while in heat?

Unless you're intending to have a litter of puppies, it's definitely recommended.

Will a female dog miss her puppies when they are given away?

she will miss them for a short while but will be back to her old self before you know it.

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They risk getting pregnant and having puppies. Most cities have dog pounds that are filled with living dogs that nobody wants. Most of these dogs will be killed after a while. So it's better usually for female dogs to be spayed, so they won't have more puppies.

When do you start lactating while pregnant?

One of my friends started lacting after about 18 week and I started after birth, But you usually get some seeping around 5 weeks. Now this isn't full on lactation, you just notice leaking.

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While I love puppies, I a hate plagiarism and plagiarizers.

Can female dogs have puppies with different fathers?

Yes, female dogs can have puppies with different fathers in a single litter. This phenomenon is known as superfecundation and can occur if a female mates with multiple male dogs while she is in heat. Each individual puppy may inherit genetic traits from different fathers.

Mydog is having puppies and im pregnant is it safe for you to handle the puppies?

yes it is, you just have to be careful and wash your hands while handling the puppies.

Do puppies grow into their feet?

Yes, after a while.

When can you tell the sex of a newborn puppy?

Typically, the sex of a newborn puppy can be identified within the first few days of birth by examining the genital area. Male puppies will have a small protrusion called the prepuce, while female puppies will have a vulva. It is recommended to handle newborn puppies gently and with care when determining their sex.

How many young ones dogs have?

Dogs can have varying litter sizes, but on average, a healthy female dog can give birth to 4-6 puppies in a litter. However, smaller breeds may have fewer puppies while larger breeds may have more.

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YOU CAN HAVE PUPPIES if you leave two dogs (1 male and 1 female--they don't have to be the same breed) a year old at your house on Nintendogs alone for a while in OUR time they can HAVE PUPPIES I'm serious up to about 2-8 I THINK. I'm not sure but you might have to have 9,999 trainer points.

Why do female dogs smuther puppys?

Female dogs may inadvertently smother puppies due to their large size and lack of awareness of how delicate the puppies are. They may accidentally lie on top of a puppy while trying to nurse or keep them warm, leading to suffocation. It's important for breeders or owners to provide a safe and supervised environment for the mother and her puppies to prevent accidents like this from happening.