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Who chews staples? Of course they hurt you.

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Q: Can chewing staples hurt your teeth?
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Do grasshoppers have chewing teeth?

No grasshoppers do not have chewing teeth

What is the purpose of your teeth?


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Are your teeth responsible for mastication?

Yes, your teeth are responsible for mastication (chewing). Your responsible (front big teeth) are responding for cutting/biting, your canines (sharp pointy teeth) are responsible for tearing, and your molars (flat teeth located on the sides) are for chewing.

How does giraffes teeth help them eat?

for chewing

What teeth is more important in chewing and why?

the mollar

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What teeth used for chewing and grinding?


How is chewing gum used?

Chewing gum is used to clean teeth and sometimes to quench your hunger i hope you loved the facts....

What is the back teeth mostly used for?

Crushing large chunks of food, or chewing, generally. You use your front teeth for the biting, and the back for the chewing. That simple!

What percent of humans have better teeth from gum chewing?

Well if this was on a poll question, The people who have really clean teeth from chewing gum is 60 percent of the world. And 40 percent of the world has bad teeth from not chewing gum at least 2 times a week.

Will soda pop hurt or stain your teeth?

yes but not hurt your teeth