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Cat's eyes have mostly rods and some cones, so theoretically they can perceive some colors, but they don't need to. They function on brightness more than colour, which makes it easier for them to see in the dark. The cat's pupil can open 3 times wider than a human's, allowing much more light in.

Cats are not color blind, however. They see some colors, but not all colors.

Cats seem to be able to distinguish between higher frequency colors, meaning cats respond to the colors purple, blue, green and possibly yellow range. Red, orange and brown colors appear to fall outside cats color range and are most likely seen as shades of grey or purple.

Purple, blue and green appear to be the strongest colors perceived by cats. Tests suggest cats can distinguish between more shades or levels of gray than can humans.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Cats have limited color vision, but can differentiate between blue and yellow, and between red and green, although the latter are less distinguishable. It is thought that cats can see the upper end of the visual spectrum (blues, purples and greens) much better than between colours near the red end of the spectrum.

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12y ago

What Do Dogs and Cats See?

Veterinary ophthalmologists are often asked, "How well do animals see?" Visual function involves a combination of many factors, including: the field of view, depth perception (ability to judge distances), acuity (focusing ability), perception of motion, and color differentiation. All of these functions must then be integrated by the brain to produce useful vision. Although we are unable to ask our pets to read an eye chart, through comparative studies, it is possible to make some educated assumptions about their vision.

The position of the eyes within the head determines the degree of peripheral vision as well as the amount of the visual field that is seen simultaneously with both eyes. This binocular vision is necessary for judgment of distances. Dogs have eyes which are placed on the sides of the head, resulting in a visual field of 240 degrees compared with the human field of 200 degrees. The central, binocular field of vision in dogs and cats is approximately half that possessed by humans.

The eyes of dogs and cats have many of the modifications typically seen in animals which evolved as nighttime hunters. The pupil functions much as the aperture for a camera and can dilate for maximal light capturing ability in dogs and cats. In addition, there is a reflective layer under the retina called the tapetum which serves to intensify vision in dim light. The "mirror" effect of the tapetum results in the "eye shine" observed when an animal looks into a car's headlights. While dim light vision is enhanced by the tapetum, scattering of the reflected light may result in reduced acuity.

Although it is commonly believed that dogs and cats see only in black and white, recent evidence suggests that animals may have some degree of useful color vision. The perception of color is determined by the presence of cone photoreceptors within the retina. These cone cells function in bright light conditions and comprise approximately 20% of the photoreceptors in the central retina of the dog. In humans, the central retina (macula) is 100% cones. Behavioral tests in dogs suggest that they can distinguish red and blue colors but often confuse green and red.

Acuity is the ability to focus so that two objects appear as distinct entities. This is the value that is measured in people using an eye chart. In animals (and in infants) this can be measured using retinoscopy. Visual acuity in normal dogs has been estimated to be 20-40% that of humans. This means that, at 20 feet, a dog can distinguish an object that a human could see at 90 feet. Acuity is a function of the clarity of the structures of the eye (cornea, aqueous humor, lens, and vitreous) as well as the combined refractive powers to focus the image clearly on the retina. One of the most common diseases which can affect the clarity of the eye is formation of a cataract within the lens. Cataracts in dogs are most often inherited and may affect dogs at any age. As the lens becomes progressively opaque, an animal's vision deteriorates so that only light and dark perception exists. Surprisingly, animals function relatively well in familiar surroundings, even with severe vision impairment. This illustrates the ability of dogs and cats to depend heavily on their other senses, namely smell and hearing.

This text has been taken from Veterinary's Vision website.

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15y ago

cats arent color blind they can see blue green and some red

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14y ago

Cats can only see black and white in the dark.

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7y ago

Cats don't only see black and white. It's a misunderstanding

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13y ago

Cats can see both black and white as well as color. But cats tend to see less color variations than humans.

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I don't know, but if I had to choose I would have to say Black and White.

Do cats really see in black and white?

No, A new study suggests that cats can see only three basic colors and their variations: Blue, green, and yellow. Dogs can only see red and green.

Do cats see black and white like dogs?

Cats are able to see some colors but with less vibrancy compared to humans. They have more rods than cones in their eyes, which allows them to see better in low light conditions. Cats have a keen sense of motion and can see well in low light, helping them to hunt effectively.

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actually all cats and dogs are color blind. they only see black and white

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well dogs and cats see black an white

Cat see in black and white or color?

Cats can see in colour. yes they can so can dogs

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yes actually all dogs see black and white

Is it true that dogs and cats can see in colour aswell as black and white?

Dogs are red-green colorblind, meaning they can see some colors but not the same range as humans. Cats are dichromatic and see in shades of blue and green, lacking the ability to distinguish between red and green. While they can see some colors, their vision is not as vibrant as humans'.

Is dogs only allowed to see black and white?

Its not that they are only allowed it is just how the species is made they were made just to see black and white. It is something to do with the eye and how it is formed and stuff I don't know all about it but it is just the way that the species were made that they can only see black and white.

Can some people only see in black and white?

Yes, some people do see in black and white. This is called color blindness.

Do opposite colours attract if you wear a black sweater you only get white dog hairs on it and if you wear a white sweater you only get black dog hairs on it?

No, it just appears that way. White hairs are easier to see on black and black hairs are easier to see on white.