Yes, you will get disese as you may e.g (kiss your rabbits mouth) the may contain rabies in their sistem so make sure to take them to the vet and get them some ingecions and make sure they are the right ones.PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO INJECT YOUR RABBIT BY YOURSELF TAKE THEM TO A VET UNLESS YOU WORK AS ONE! thank you!
Yes, cats can kill bunnies. To protect your pet rabbit from potential harm, keep it indoors or in a secure outdoor enclosure, away from areas where cats roam. Additionally, supervise your rabbit when it is outside and provide hiding spots for it to escape from predators.
no. there is no record of chester A Arthur having any pets
I would have a dog even though i have a dogI would have a cat or a rabbit, even though I have 4 cats, a rabbit and a dog.
No. Cats don't normally eat pet rabbits. However, cats will often kill baby rabbits (about the size of mice when they are first born).Other Perspectives:My cat is scared of a hamster and i think he is scared of a rabbit too.Many, not all, cats will kill and eat wild or pet rabbits. All adult cats are capable, but some are restrained by their upbringing. Most will take, and eat, babies or juveniles, and experienced cats will take, and eat, fully grown rabbits.
pet rabbit... you can get some for $10.00 CAN
It is generally not recommended to pet stray cats due to the potential risks of disease, injury, and aggression. It is best to contact animal control or a local animal rescue organization to safely handle stray cats.
Many diseases can affect all pets. Myxamitosis is the most well known rabbit disease, fatal if caught, but i would be surprised to find this in a pet. Even in the wild i think it was mostly eradicated.xx
a rabbit is a good pet but you have to pick up after it every week
The duration of Elmer's Pet Rabbit is 420.0 seconds.
A half New Zealand White or A crossbred or 'pet' rabbit
Elmer's Pet Rabbit was created on 1941-01-04.
He did not have any cats or dogs. He may have had a pet rabbit.