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Q: Can cats eat rosemary
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What are some plants that cats won't eat?

Some plants that cats typically won't eat include spider plants, rosemary, lavender, and mint.

Do cats hate rosemary?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that cats hate rosemary. Some cats may not like the smell or taste of rosemary, but it is not a universal dislike among all cats.

Is fresh rosemary bad for cats or dogs to have inside the house?

Fresh rosemary is not recommended for cats or dogs to consume in large amounts as it can cause digestive issues such as upset stomach or diarrhea. It is best to keep fresh rosemary out of reach of pets to prevent them from ingesting it. If you suspect your pet has consumed rosemary and is showing signs of illness, contact your veterinarian for advice.

Does monkey eat rosemary?

Yes Monkey's do eat Rosemary!

Can a goat eat rosemary?

Yes, rosemary infused kid roast tastes great.

Do budgies eat rosemary?

Yes, Rosemary is one of the safe flowers that they can eat =D

What are some plants that cats do not like?

Some plants that cats do not like include lavender, rosemary, and citronella. These plants have strong scents that cats find unpleasant.

What are some plants that cats hate?

Some plants that cats tend to dislike include lavender, rosemary, and citronella. These plants have strong scents that cats find unpleasant.

Can cats eat tissues?

Cats should not eat tissues.

Do dolphins eat cats?

Yes. They eat cats that are stripped.

Can dogs eat dog biscuits with rosemary oil?


What part of the plant rosemary do we eat?

It is the leaves that is used as a herb.