

Can cat's tail strangle people

Updated: 12/11/2022
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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Depending on how big the persons neck is..most likely no

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: Can cat's tail strangle people
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Why are cats tails and kangaroos tails different?

the cats tail is shorter then a kangaroo's tail

What bone is in a cats tail?

a tail bone

What if your cats tail is bothering her?

Check her for fleas, they tend to congregate around the base of the cats tail.

When you pet a cats tail does it feel it?

I think so because when i pet my cats tail it moves it towards me.

Is a cat tail vascular?

Yes a cats tail is vascular.

How much tails do cats have?

Cats have one tail only!!!

Do cats pee on people at all?

Cats Most Definetly pee on people. I have a cat and he sometimes pee's on me and my sister for no reason Most cats don't do it for no reason sometimes its because you pulled their tail wouldn't give them food etc So yeah to answer your question not all but SOME cats pee on people

Why do the cats in Cambodia have tail shorter than Europe cats tail?

I heard it was genetic, I think its rats while mom is out hunting.

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Bob-No tail

Unit of measure of a cats tail?


Why do cats tail sway?

A cat's tail sways for balance. Their tail helps them stay on their feet when they leap and when they walk.

Do cats have Golden ratio?

Yes, from the back of the head to the beginning of the tail. Then the length of the tail.