

Can bunnies just eat hay

Updated: 10/9/2023
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11y ago

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Yes they love it and it's good for them.

You do not HAVE to feed them hay but they do love it and it is good for them as long as there are no weeds in the hay. A nice timothy hay or a leafy alfalfa are best.

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11y ago

No, hay does not have enough nutrients to keep a rabbit healthy. Hay is a very important part of the diet, but rabbits also need vitamins and minerals. Also, only hay to eat every day would get pretty boring, and bored rabbits tend to be aggressive, depressed, destructive, and have other behavioral problems.

To get the right balance of nutrients, rabbits need a high-quality pellet developed especially for rabbits. You can't substitute these with anything else, like food for another animal, or food made for humans. Not all rabbit pellets are healthy, though: you have to learn how to read the labels.

To add variety to your rabbit's diet, and to give them fresh foods (which also have healthy nutrients in them), rabbits also need fresh vegetables and fruits. Mostly, they should only eat dark leafy greens (like romaine lettuce, basil, and carrot tops). Non-leafy vegetables and fruits (like carrot, berries, and apple) are a good treat. Too many treats will make a rabbit sick, so a bite or two per day is enough.

See the related questions below for more details about pellets, hay, fresh vegetables and fruits, and more about a healthy rabbit diet.

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feed them hay; if you give them carrots it will make them fat

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Bunnies LOVE carrots. They eat rabbit food which you can just get at Walmart. They also eat lettuce, corn, cabbage, timothy hay, and alfalfa hay. They also enjoy lettuce and any type of greens

Do bunnies stink?

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