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By the process of natural variation and selection by survival of the fittest.

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all organisms evolve over time

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Q: Can an organism evolve
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How many organism's might evolve?

all of the organisms can evolve.

What is the mechanism by which organism evolve is known as?


What organism othr thaan a n insect might evolve an adaptation to human activities?

Cats and dogs evolve an adaptation to human activities. Any organism can also evolve to human activities and our environment.

Can bird evolve?

Of course,they are evolving.Every organism is evolving.

From what kind of organism did the ant evolve?

Ants were created not evolved.

Which organism did the first land plant evolve from?

Nonvascular plants

Why is population the smallest unit of organism that can evolve?

Evolution is defined as a change in allele frequencies over time. Since individuals have only the set of alleles that they're born with, an individual cannot evolve. This leaves the population as the smallest unit that can evolve.

How will a present day organism evolve in the year of 3000 when earth becomes a hot and dry place?


What event occurred that allowed single-celled organisms to evolve?

This is a vague questions because many aspects of evolution takes place in single-celled organism. For a single celled organism to evolve into a multicellular organism this would require cell division. You might know the terms mitosis and meiosis which are processes of cell division. If you question is how they evolve to adapt to the enviornment, this would be natural selection. The strongest of the cell would survive while the weak dies. This would mean only the strongest would reproduce and live which from an outer point of view, the single-celled organism has evolved.

What is the only thing that natural selection can act on?

The phenotype or genome of the individual organism. Remember, individuals are selected, populations evolve.

What type of organism would be most useful as an index fossil?

Those that have hard parts that fossilize, are plentiful, ubiquitous and evolve rapidly.

The smallest biological until that can evolve over time is?

The smallest biological unit that can evolve over time is an individual organism, typically a unicellular organism like bacteria or archaea. These organisms can undergo genetic mutations and natural selection, leading to the evolution of their populations over generations.