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Q: Can an older male dog have puppies with a young female dog?
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What is the female word for colt?

A young male horse is called a "colt". (older is a "stallion") A young female horse is called a "filly". (older is a "mare")

How much is a female to be neutered?

Female puppies get spayed. Male puppies get neutered.

Who raises the young koalas as they get older?

The female koala raises the joey. The male has no part at all in raising the young.

How young can a puppy become pregnant?

A puppy can be 1 year and 6 months old to have puppies (female), and to leave another dog pregnant 9 months (male). You might wait longer, if you are not interested in breeding them as young as possible. A female can have puppies until she is 8 years old and a male until he dies.

Will older female prefer male puppy?

It depends on the female dog, not the gender of the puppy. Some old girls like all puppies, some do not. Introdue them slowly and see how it goes.

How do you make your dog have puppies?

a male and female will have sex

Why do male puppies hump their female owers?

Male puppies may hump their female owners as a form of play or seeking attention. It may also be a way for them to exert dominance or display excitement. However, it's important to discourage this behavior as it may lead to future issues. Engaging the puppy in alternative, appropriate activities can help redirect this behavior.

What is the difference between a ram and a sheep?

A ram is a male, older sheep. A sheep is a young (less than a year) ram. So, they are both sheep but a ram is older and male.

What is a male and female and male chicken called?

A young male chicken is a cockerel. A young female chicken is a pullet.

How long for puppies after our female was exposed to a male?

The dog's gestation period is 64 days, so about two months after you remove the male you can expect puppies if the female got pregnant.

Are Female horses are called mares?

A mare! A female horse is a mare, a male is a stallion, basically. However, a "baby" horse is a foal, a young male is a colt and a young female a filly. If a male horse is castrated it is then known as a gelding.I hope you were talking about horses - mare means sea in several languages, and that's a whole new topic.

Should you get male or female puppies?

it depends on what family is looking.