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Yes it can like my dog is a yorkie terrier and it has long legs it's just growing (yes so said)

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Q: Can a yorkie have long legs?
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What are the common coat colors of a Yorkie, and how can I identify a Yorkie that is black and gold?

The common coat colors of a Yorkie are black and tan, but they can also be black and gold. To identify a Yorkie that is black and gold, look for a coat that is predominantly black with gold markings on the face, chest, and legs.

How long does a yorkie beagle mix live?

a yorkie beagle lives for about 5-7 years.

How long was the hair on the Yorkie with the longest hair?

The longest hair on the Yorkie with the longest hair was a dog named Etna with hair a foot and a half long and still holds the record for the Yorkie with the longest hair today

How long is daddy long legs legs?

An adult daddy long legs will have segmented legs, that when stretched out would be about 5 to 6cm long.

What is the difference from a yorkie poo and a yorkie shire?

a yorkie poo is a yorkie and a poodle mix

How know how long your legs are?

It depends on how long your legs are so it is not possible to know how long your legs are.

Where can you get a long legged yorkie puppy from?

From an irresponsible breeder or puppy mill!

How long are yorkie teacups?

Yokies can live up to be 3 ft.

What are the distinctive characteristics of a long snout Yorkie?

A long snout Yorkie is a Yorkshire Terrier with a longer nose compared to the standard breed. This feature sets them apart from other Yorkies and can give them a unique appearance.

What are the typical characteristics and size of a black and tan Yorkie when fully grown?

A fully grown black and tan Yorkie typically weighs between 4 to 7 pounds and stands about 7 to 8 inches tall. They have a silky, long coat that is black with tan markings on their face, chest, and legs. Yorkies are known for their small size, alert expression, and confident demeanor.

Who is better yorkie or pitbull?

I think Yorkie they are so cute i have a Yorkie that always guard me team Yorkie

Why do basset hounds have long legs?

They don't have long legs, their legs are quite short.