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yes they can. it would be called a white tigon if the tiger was the boy or a white liger if the lion was the boy.

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Q: Can a white tiger and a lion have a cub tigon or liger?
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What is a lion plus tiger's cub?

If a lion and tiger have a cub it's called a liger or tigon.

What is an animal called when the mother is a lion and the father is a tiger?

A tigon. A male lion and female tiger produces a liger.

Which animal have bred to produce liger?

A lion and a tiger are mixed to produce a liger.

What do you get when a liger and tigon mate?

a liton A liger can live anywhere a lion or tiger would live

When lion and tigers mate what do you call their cubs?

The result of a tiger and lion mating is a liger.

What is a cross of a lion and a tiger?

Male lion and female tiger - liger.Male tiger and female lion - tigon.

Why is a liger bigger than a tigon?

A Liger is the result of a male Lion breeding with a female Tiger. So i assume that a Tigon the result of a male Tiger breeding with a female lion. Ligers grow to lenths over 10 feet, tigons get large muscle mass.

What are produced by cross-breeding tigers and lions?

A Tigon Tigon is if the father is a tiger, if the father is a lion, it is called a liger.

Tiger plus lion is a tigon true or false?

False, if a male lion and female tiger than the result is a liger, but, if a female lion and a male tiger then the result we be a tion. Tigon is very close though

Why liger and tigon have these name?

Liger means that the lion genes are more dominant because the lion part of the name comes first (li), While tigon means the tiger genes are more dominant, as the tiger part comes first (tig).

What is a tigon?

The cross between a Tiger and a Lion. I think it is technically a Tiger (male) and a Lionness (female) that make that subspecies, though I may be thinking of a Liger. The Liger is a cross-breed between a MALE lion & a FEMALE tiger.

Are ligers from Africa?

Not really, they are an unnatural hybridization. Men have bred lion fathers to tiger mothers(liger) or tiger fathers to lion mothers(tigon).