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Absolutely! The gender of a cat has nothing to do with the coloring. Cats can be different colors and designs based on their breeds. Foe example, tabbies tend to have brown, black, orange, and silver stripes and can have more than one color. Tabbies are about 50/50 on female and male. Calico and tortiseshell cats tend to have brown, white, black, cream, and orange splotches all over them. Calicos tend to have a very high presentage of females and a very low percentage of males. (Note: Tabbies and Calicos are NOT cat breeds. They are types of fur patterns that occur on certain breeds of cats. For example, American/Domestic Shorthairs can be tabby or calico, but Siamese will never have tabby or calico patterns. They will only have pointed areas with solid colors.)

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