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no, when they are fixed, they cant have any puppies

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Q: Can a spade dog go in heat?
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When dog is in heat can they get spade?

are you serious no they cant impossible

What does a dog go through when she has never had a pup or not spayed?

Spaded as in ace of spades ir spade shovel? Cause if you use a Spade shovel on the poor dog she will go through quite alot.

Can you get a female dog spade during heat?

Possibly but it would be better to get her spayed. Ask your vet.

Can you give your male shih-tzu something to stop him from being in heat?

Males don't go into heat. They are pretty much ready anytime a female in heat shows up. All you can do is take your dog to the vet and have him spade.

Your vet said 5 months to spade you have never waited that long Why would they say that?

Most vets are now waiting until the dog has one Heat cycle before they will spade them. This has something to do with their growth or development.

How do you spade a dog?

take it to the vet

Can a dog breed if it has been spade?


When do female dogs stop their period?

It is actually called going into "heat" and as for when it stops, they will continue to go into heat once or twice a year. They will bleed for about three weeks. Unless the dog is spayed, this cycle will not stop.

Can a dog breed if it has already been spade?


What does it mean when you spade your dog?

They cant have puppies.

Does spaying a dog affect her heat cycle?

Yes, when you spay your dog, she can no longer go into heat.

What do they do when they spade a dog?

When a dog is spayed, the veterinarian surgically removes the dog's reproductive organs (ovaries and often the uterus). This procedure prevents the dog from going into heat, eliminates the risk of certain reproductive cancers, and helps control the pet population.