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in ancient mythology, they have been known to breathe under water and swim in the Atlantic Ocean. nowadays, there has only been 1 account of this phenomenon happenning.

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no they cannot unfortunately...

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Q: Can a rhino swim
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Can Rhinos Swim?

"No rhinos can't swim" A quick google reveals so I assume they can.

Where do red rhinos live?

There is no such thing as a red rhino. There are five rhino species alive today. They are the white rhino, black rhino, Indian rhino, Sumatran rhino, and Javan rhino.

White rhino or American rhino bigger?

There is no species called American Rhino. But the white rhino is the biggest of the Rhino species.

What is the biological name of a rhino?

White Rhino - Ceratotherium simumBlack Rhino - Diceros bicornisIndian Rhino - Rhinoceros unicornisJavan Rhino - Rhinoceros sondaicusSumatran Rhino - Dicerorhinus sumatrensisAbove are the biological names of the many different species of Rhino's

How many types of rhinos are there in the world?

There are 5 types of rhinos in the world. There is the Javan rhino, White rhino, Black rhino, Great One Horned rhino and Sumatran rhino. There is also one extinct rhino called the Woolly rhino.

Black rhino life cycle?

baby rhino-adult rhino

Is the Indian rhino the biggest rhino?

No, it is the second biggest after the White Rhino.

How many meters is a rhino?

That depends on the species of rhino. The largest rhino, the white rhino, is 3.4 meters to 4 meters long. The smallest rhino, the Sumatran rhino, is only 2.36 to 3.18 meters long.

Who is stronger a rhino or a hippo?

Yes a hippo is heaver than a rhino

What family is a rhino in?

The closest relatives to the rhinos are the Tapirs and the horses. I have no idea why thou!!

What is stronger a Gorilla or a Rhino?

Rhino .

What is rhino in French?

Rhino thong