No, but a raccoon might eat a muskrat.
A raccoon could eat a baby anaconda only. A large anaconda would eat a raccoon easily.
A raccoon will eat any bird it is able to capture.
Yes, wolves will kill and eat a raccoon.
Larger species of fox can and will kill and eat a raccoon.
Yes, a raccoon will eat nestling bunnies. Adult rabbits are too fast for a raccoon to capture.
A raccoon will not eat an adult sea turtle. However, they will eat sea turtle eggs and hatchlings.
Raccoon do eat rice bran. Raccoon are scavengers and though they prefer fruit, they will eat nearly anything they can find.
Yes they do they all kind of sorts of ferns
Raccoon is very tasty meat. When a raccoon has will taste sweeter.
The fern is a plant. It does not eat.