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No. True possums live in Australia and other regions of Oceania, where there are no raccoons. The term is sometimes used as a synonym for "opossum", which is a different animal.

A totally different question is, "can a raccoon attack an opossum?" The answer is, yes, if it feels threatened.

There are true opposums in both North and South America. They are not only found in Australia.

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8y ago
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8y ago

Raccoons might attempt to kill and eat a young possum. They are very opportunistic feeders and will kill and devour any animal small animal they are able to overcome

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8y ago

Raccoons and opossums are not closely related both are mammals and both are omnivores.

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8y ago

Raccoons and possums are not at all the same.

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8y ago

They are not closely related. The raccoon is a placental mammal while the opossum is a monotreme, However, they have similar behaviors. Both are primarily nocturnal and both are omnivores.

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