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Q: Can a rabbit flea live on humans?
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What insect can feed and live on humans and cats has six legs and antenna?

This is probably a flea.

Do fleas live in humans hair?

No. They can only land on animals because the fur might have something humans do not have.

Is flea bites harmful to humans?

well yes flea bites can be harmful to humans but mostly when a flea bites a human it just gets itchy and annoying

Can the vet still spay a rabbit with flea drops on?


Where do flukes live?

Flukes are parasitic flatworms that can be found in various environments such as freshwater, saltwater, and even in the tissues of animals including humans. They typically live inside the bodies of their host organisms, where they can cause harm and feed on nutrients.

Can a flea jump off a pet and get on a person?

Yes, fleas are capable of jumping from pets onto people. They can easily transfer between hosts in search of a blood meal. It's important to treat both pets and their living environment to effectively control a flea infestation.

What is a domestic rabbit?

A domestic rabbit is a rabbit that has been domesticated, which means it is cared for by humans and doesn't live in the wild.Domestic rabbits are from the European Rabbit species. They live all over the world.Domestic rabbits are kept for several reasons:PetMeat and/or furResearch/lab animalPerformance (e.g. magician's rabbits, movie/TV)

Can humans be allergic to flea bites?


Can you treat a rabbits fur mites with flea dip?

No, you should not treat fur mites with flea dip. Take your rabbit to the vet, the vet will then be able to treat your rabbit properly. Mine was given three shots spread out for about a month, a spray for the infected area (her back mostly) and I gave her baths twice a week and it solved the problem. Flea dips can harm your rabbit and other flea medications for other animals such as dogs and cats can be harmful as well.

Do fleas help humans?

Fleas do not benefit humans- other than the humans that sell flea powder, flea spray, flea collars, etc etc. They are a pest and spread disease.

Can a flea be a carrier of worms to the human?

The tapeworm Dipylidium caninum can be transmitted when a flea is swallowed by pets or humans.

Where do Dutch rabbits live?

Dutch Rabbits live with humans in pens or in rabbit hutches.