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no treats are treats the difference is that a puppy treat is a. made with a bit of a

diff. texture b. they are smaller and c. got diff. things in em' so no it will not...

p.s. just don't give em' too many :)

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Q: Can a puppy treat make a fully grown dog sick?
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Full grown dogs nearly all like eating puppy chow. However they shouldn't, because the things in it (like fat & nutrients) that help a puppy grow will make a full grown dog get fat quickly. It would be like eating candy non-stop.

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Matters, If it's a puppy feed it 3 times a day. But it matters on how big it is and how much it weighs, so look it up and you'll find the best answer just make sure you feed it! And if its an adult feed it 2 times thats what I do, and I have a puppy I feed him 3 times a day because he is small and skinny.

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First make sure the puppy knows his/her name, then call by the name when he/she comes reward with small treat keep doing this until the puppy has caught on,but don`t try to teach other things at the same.

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How do you make your Rune Scape puppy grow fast?

Feeding it more does NOT help you just have to let it follow you for 2-3 hours and VIOLA! full grown puppy. Your puppy will grow 1% every 15% hunger so feed it lots. but over feeding just makes it overweight.

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Buy Grass Seeds and when it is fully grown chop it with your Sickle. It will automatically be turned into Fodder.