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Koalas do not do anything quickly, so a Panda would probably be faster.

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Q: Can a panda climb faster than a koala?
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Which can weigh more a koala or a panda?

The Giant Panda is a much larger animal (220-300 pounds) than a koala...unless you are talking about the Red Panda (7-12 pounds) which is smaller than the Koala (16-20 pounds).

Can a koala kill a panda?

Pandas are more poweful than koalas, and quite a bit larger. The panda would kill the koala if they fought. Even the smaller red panda would win against the koala.

How fast do pandas climb trees?

Faster than you can climb a tree.

What is the kindest bear?

Panda bears are the kindest bear known to man other than the koala bear which is not truly a bear.

Who would win a panda bear or a koala bear?

Gorilla Wins Because It Is Bigger, More Heavier And More Intelligent. Gorillas And Giant Pandas Look Like Eatchover And Act Like Eatchover As They Both Eat Bamboo. Sorry If This Offends You In The Gorilla Killing The Giant Panda Part.

What animal eats bamboo other than a panda bear?

Bamboo mites Pandas eat bamboo shoots

What are some of the koala's defences against its predators?

The koala's main defence is its ability to climb tall, straight trees quickly, as their predators are unable to follow. It does have sharp claws, but these are better used for climbing than for defence.

Is a penguin faster than a monkey?

It depends on if the monkeys in the trees or on the ground or if the penguin is sliding on its belly or standing but if they were standing I'd say the monkey is faster.

What is the size of a red panda brain?

it is much big.

Do koalas live in the tree top?

Not quite. The uppermost twigs of a eucalyptus tree are not strong enough to hold a koala's weight. However, the koala will climb to the uppermost branches of the trees it inhabits, and wedge itself in the fork of two branches, rather than staying lower on the trunk.

What is the Giant Panda exactly?

A Panda that's bigger than other breeds of panda

What do older squirrels do baby squirrel can not do?

Bigger Squirrels could run faster, eat more nuts, eat big nuts, protect themselves, and climb higher and faster than baby squirrels.THANKS