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Paint horses and Welsh horses are two different breeds. They can certainly be bred together, but the foal would only be half Welsh, not purebred Welsh. It can have all the characteristics of a Welsh, but can't be registered as a Welsh. A Paint horse is a breed but a pinto is not a breed just the paint coloring, A pinto horse can give birth to a full welsh horse as long as the welsh mare is pinto in color. * ** Although paint welsh ponies can't be registered either** so technically, if you want to cross a painted welsh with another welsh so the foal is full welsh, you can't register it even though it is full welsh. (EDIT: this is incorrect, if you breed a Paint and a Welsh, then breed the foal to a purebred Welsh, your baby will still have Paint lines, and WILL NOT be a purebred Welsh pony.)

First off Pinto and Paints are BOTH colorings and a breeds, and are actually very similar. When the USA was discovered, there were stocky spotted horses, that came to be known as Paints, Pintos, Skewbalds and Piebalds. First an organization to promote and protect the integrity of conformation and color of the Pintos was formed (see, this was developed primarily as a color registry, but now the horses must fall into one of four conformation catagories. Pinto is a very diverse breed as there are nineteen recognized outcross breeds (see, grouped by conformation/suitability. Later an organization know known as the APHA (American Paint Horse Association) developed a similar organization.

On to outcrossing, Welsh ponies are listed as acceptable outcrosses for the Pinto breed, meaning you could have a purebred Welsh foal, who, if they show the proper color characterists can be double registered as both a Welsh and a Pinto. So a Pinto could give birth to a Welsh, but the sire/dam would both also be Welsh. Of course you could also have a Welsh sire, and a Pinto damn, foal a half Welsh. The Paint registry is stricter in breed credentials. To be considered a Paint, the sire and dam must BOTH be registered with either the American Paint Horse Association, the American Quarter Horse, Association or the Jockey Club (TBs). One of the parents MUST be registered with the APHA. As Welsh is not an accepted breed for the Paint registry, you could not have a purebred Welsh double registered as a Paint, and a Paint could not give birth to a purebred Welsh foal. If your sire is a Welsh, and your dam is a Paint, then the Paint mare could birth a half Welsh foal. The baby, however, would not be considered a purebred Paint or purebred Welsh.

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Q: Can a paint horse give birth to a Welsh?
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