dog food
the dog eats what all dogs eat dog food
4 cups of dog food.
Labrador Retriever's do actually eat meat but they obviously don't eat humans or meat that is inside a moving animal, just in case you were wondering but they do eat a lot no matter what the food is
when it gets to the age of 1 or weighs the same as an adult dog
Labs are omnivores. (can eat meat, fruits, and vegetables)
Well, a labrador would eat anything that looks like food... But it wouldn't eat fish if it had another choice ... for example : If in front of a dog were 2 bowls , the 1st bowl with normal dog food , and the 2nd bowl filled with fish ... I THINK the dog would choose dog food . (my personal thought)
Labradors can eat almost any brand of dog food
usuallly dog food but a cerent kind
Labradors can eat almost any brand of dog food
If you are Jewish, you do eat normal food
You can pretty much feed a Labrador retriever any kind of dog food. I currently have a Labrador retriever and he eats pedigree dry dog food. You can also make a meal for your dog but you might want to get a dog book to see what you can and can't make for it. Hope this helps!