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No because the megladon is way bigger and would just eat the killer whale and because the megladon is dead so how is a killer whale supposed to go back in time to kill one if it could kill one?

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Q: Can a killer whale kill a narwhal?
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Can a ringed seal kill a killer whale?

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yes a dolphin can kill a killer whale and they do to protect themselves from the whales

Why do killer whales kill living things?

For food. The Killer Whale is the only known whale to kill the blue whale.

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No, They are not an *enemy

What type is a kill whale?

A killer whale is a toothed whale in the oceanic dolphin family delphinidae.

How can you kill killer whale?

by taking a gun that is made for underwater and shot the gun and the bullet will go in it and kill the killer whale

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us humans kill killer whales for food

Is there anything special about Killer whale migrating?

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