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Probably. The Hyenea has one of the most powerful bites of any animal on earth.

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Q: Can a hyenea win a fight between a German Shepard?
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a german shepard

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Chihuahua yummy, Good Snack, Gimmy Gimmy. Answer Provided by Max the neighbors German Shepard.

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it depends both they both have equal powers and also german shepards are bigger then rottwielers . by kabir

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never make dogs fight, and im 100% not a dog fighter sport, but kangals are defenitally stronger and faster, but if you want smarter, and muc more loyal and easy to train, germans shepard all the way, theres a reason why the military use german shepard

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My 2 dogs occasionally get in fights. One is a dachshund and the other a germenshepard. Every fight they have been in my German Shepard has won. So I'm assuming whichever dog is the biggest and strongest will win.

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A python is stronger, thicker, and longer than a german shepherd, but a german shepherd is faster and can bite the python if the dog is fast enough.

How many people care about abused dogs?

alot, i hope so many people are cruel and let them fight i have a German Shepard and i look after that so well i take it out alot of times and make sure it's fed with the right amount

Will an English Mastiff beat a German Shepard in a fight?

The German Shepherd would win almost every time it would very easily outmaneuver the English mastiff and get a bite on the back of its neck which it would hold until the English Mastiff was killed or until the fight was hopefully broken up.

Who would win the fight dobermen pinsher or germand Shepard?

Neither. Dog fighting is bad.

How did the revolution in Russia affect the war?

German troops were freed to fight in the west.

Did Americans fight in the Battle of Stalingrad?

No. This battle was between the German army trying to advance east against Russian defenders.