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Gorillas are known to be 10 times stronger than the average NFL football player and are known to be one of the strongest creatures on the planet. If a gorilla had the chance, I'm sure he would be physically capable of doing a pull-up.

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11y ago

Yes, a gorilla can pull apart a man. A gorilla is very strong

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Q: Can a gorilla pull apart a man?
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Who win a fight a man or a gorilla?

Gorilla because it has more brute power it would easily tear apart a man.

When was Gorilla-Man created?

Gorilla-Man was created in 1954.

Who wins man or gorilla?

If man is with out weapon than gorilla .

What is the mountain gorilla's natural enemy?

The mountain gorilla's natural enemy is man.

Who is the gorilla man in Star Wars?

The 'gorilla man' in Star Wars is , probably , Chewbacca who is a Wookiee played by Peter Mayhew .

Who would win in a fight between a small man and a gorilla?

Probably the gorilla, unless the small man was armed with a gun.

What enimes do gorillas have?

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Did Michael Jackson dress in a gorilla costume and try to pull a prank?

no No there was a guy named Isaiah Michael Jackson who thought it would be a good idea to dress as a Gorilla and pull a prank by snactching a kid.

What are some of the relatives of the gorilla?

Orangatans for example. Gorillas are apart of the family apes.

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Some magnets are stronger than others, making them harder to pull apart. For strong magnets, you can pull the magnets sideways to get them apart.

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The hairy man of Africa was really a gorilla.

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