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Yes she can but if you think she has dead babies inside her take her to the vet immedietly because she can become very ill and die.

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Q: Can a girl guinea pig have dead babies in her belly?
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Can two girl guinea pig's have babies?


How can you tell a girl betta has babies?

you can tell from the in larged stomach or belly

How do you if your guinea pig is a girl?

look under it or wait to see if it has babies

Do all girl guinea pigs have babies?

No, guinea pigs can go their whole lives without breeding its not necessary for their survival.

Can a girl guinea pig get pregnant without a boy guinea pig?

Yes I think so my Guinea pig had babies and we don't think she came in contact with a male

Can a human girl have babies with a dead guy?

You Perverts! Of course not!

How do guinea pigs make babies?

Yes, they will do this. You have to have a girl and a boy together to make any babies. It may be safe to keep the boys away from the girls.

Can 2 girl guinea pigs share a cage?

NO! NO! NO! my friend did that... lets just say there was blood and 2 dead guinea pigs when she woke up.

Are 2 female guinea pigs best or a boy and a girl?

2 female because a boy and girl will just have babies, because they can at 3 months old. And a lot of times the babies that they produce will just eat eachother.

Once a girl guinea pig has babies can they live in the same cage again as long as they are spayed and neutered?

Yes, definately.

Can a boy and a girl guinea pig from the same litter have babies?

yes but ist no different than a dog its not a good idea.

Which is faster to bond with a girl guinea pig or a guy guinea pi?

girl guinea pigs have better attitudes How DARE you delete my answer! Actually, Guys because Girls are Hormone driven. They do not come up to you as easily, and guys trust you more. When girls have babies, they dont even let you come NEAR to toughing HER!