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NO NO NO it will get extreemly sick will stop eating and drinking then die ................ if i were u i woudent try it.

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Q: Can a gerbil eat a pickle?
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Related questions

What is most nutricious for a gerbil to eat?

Gerbil food.

What did the pickle eat?

The pickle ate nothing

Would a gerbil eat another gerbil's pups?

Yes they will

What part of the pickle do you eat?

There aren't any parts of a pickle you shouldn't eat. You can eat the whole thing.

What do you do when your pet gerbil is nearly dead by hunger?

feed it. But seriously, if the gerbil refuses to eat, perhaps try different gerbil-firendly foods. And if all else fails, see a vet. If the gerbil will not eat, you may want to see a veterinarian. The gerbil might have a tooth that is bothering him.

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with a side of gerbil

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Can a parrot play with a gerbil?

No! They will be scared of each other and the parrot might try to eat the gerbil.

Can you eat a pickle?

Um.... yes

What is a pickle dish?

Somehting that you eat.

Can you eat a gerbil?

yes but most woudent

Can a gerbil eat mouse food?
