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Most common health problems in ferrets are caused by improper care. Feeding an inappropriate diet can contribute to many diseases and illnesses in ferrets

How can you tell if a ferret is sick? Ferrets are known to hide or mask symptoms of illness and pain, often until it is too late or very difficult to bring them back. A sick ferret can dehydrate very fast. They usually need immediate veterinarian care. Never delay treatment! Any time your ferret is acting unusual, not playing, eating, etc, suspect illness. Ferrets that are ill can go downhill very rapidly, usually there is no time to "wait and see" if they will be okay, seek the advice of a qualified veterinarian. Ferrets can get sick very easily, a good prevention of illness or disease is proper care and diet. Ferrets are not like cats or dogs. You need to educate yourself about ferrets, and there are plenty of websites that offer information.

Signs of illness in ferrets:

* Lethargic * Constipation * Diarrhea or dirty bottom * Drooling and or pawing frantically at mouth * Straining to urinate * Abnormal hair loss * Sneezing - Susceptible to Human Influenza * Vomiting * Poor appetite * Weight loss * Distressed breathing or difficulties * Skin lesions

* Teeth grinding * Eye or nasal discharge * Hind end weakness * Posterior paralysis * Unusual behaviors

* Unusual lumps on the body * Contusion or bruise - sign of internal bleeding * Convulsions or seizures * Abscesses * Black tarry feces, blood in stools * Abdominal swelling * Swollen joints * Lameness * Excessive Itching

Ferrets should be vaccinated for Canine Distemper which is airborne and can possibly be transmitted to ferrets carried in from outdoors on shoes or clothing. It is 100% fatal in ferrets. They can contract human influenza (flu) and are used as animal model for experimentation for testing flu vaccines. They can suffer from ulcers due to stress. Ferrets can get hairballs, except that they do not have the ability to eliminate them like cats. Ferrets need to given hairball treatment or laxative once every few days, and more often during seasonal shedding. Hairballs can accumulate and cause intestinal blockage that will need to be removed surgically to avoid a painful death.

Can a ferret Kill a Human?

No, As pets, there are potential health hazards just like any animal by transmitting disease to humans - but it's very unlikely. Ferrets can harbor several pathogenic microorganisms in their digestive tract, especially Salmonella and Campylobacter. No human cases have been reported from ferret contamination. Ferrets can harbor many other zoonoses, including cryptosporidiosis, and listeriosis. They share parasites with dogs and cats (Toxocara, Dipylidium) as well as dermatophytosis Can you catch a disease from a ferret

it's possible, ferrets can contract some of the same diseases as cats or dogs. Make sure your pet is up to date on all vaccinations and treat for fleas. Use precautions the same as dog or cats. Wash hands after handling any animal and cleaning litter boxes, try to avoid animal bites or scratches. Your more likely to catch a disease from an animal bite of a cat or dog. Be aware that ferrets can contract human influenza, humans with flu need to avoid handling ferrets, and vise verse.

Major Zoonoses that can be transmitted from ferrets to humans * Enteric diseases- Campylobacteriosis * Influenza * Tuberculosis * Rabies Can a ferret give you rabies? Ferrets are vaccinated against rabies. It is a myth that ferrets are carriers of rabies. Rabies is a rare disease in ferrets, because they don't have the exposure. There have been fewer than 20 cases of confirmed rabies in ferrets in the US since 1958. In some of these cases, ferrets were vaccinated with a live vaccine not approved for ferrets. There has never been a reported case of a human contracting rabies from a ferret. This year rabies is at an all time high in many states.

Will a ferret get sick if you play with it too soon after bringing one home?

Ferrets from pet stores usually have been transported by air and truck when they are only a few weeks old after being taken away from their mother. They are shipped with very little water and food. As with any animal, this is very stressful, being in a new environment, sounds, and different smells. It is best to allow your ferret a few days of quiet time with plenty of food and water to let them settle in and get accustomed to its new home before playing with them. If a ferret was obtained from a pet store or pet shelter, he will be stressed and prone to illness. Offer your ferret the same food it has been eating, to avoid upset stomach. Any food changes need to be gradual. Prepare an area that is quiet and dark for the ferret's sleeping area, they need about 15 - 18 hrs of uninterrupted sleep a day. Food and water needs to be available at all times When your ferret is awake, he'll be ready for you to play with him. Frequent handling and social interaction with humans is very important for your ferret's health. Ferrets are not caged animals, you cage them only for their protection.

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8y ago

Yes, unfortunately ferrets can develop cancer. It is more common in ferrets above the age of three. The most commonly found cancer in ferrets is a mass cell tumour. These tumours can appear anywhere on the body but most commonly on the trunk of the body or neck and look like a scab.

Another form of cancer common to ferrets are chordomas. Chordomas usually appear as a hard mass in the tail region but can also occur in the ferrets neck.

Chondrosarcomas are another form of cancerous tumour. These usually occur along the breast bone, ribs or spine.

Lymphoma can also occur in ferrets. This can effect their vital organs including their heart, kidneys and liver and occasionally their spine.

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13y ago

Ferrets get sick from improper care or diet by it's owner. Without proper vaccinations, ferret are susceptible to canine distemper, which is always fatal to ferrets, also rabies is a possibility. Ferrets can also get influenza from humans. Ferrets are also prone to intestinal blockage caused by improper diets, hairballs, and their fixation to chew on rubbery items. And ferrets can be prone to tumors and cancers

Advice from another contributor:

Having a ferret my self I know they will get sick if you get sick because like my mom always tells me "Ferrets are like us but with ADHD." Tee-Hee. my ferret just got over the flu a month ago and that's the only time he got sick. So if your sick try to avoid your ferret until you get better..... because they get sick easier then we do.

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13y ago

Influenza can pass between ferrets and humans and vise versa. Illnesses that make humans sick is more likely to come from other pets than ferrets. Any pet can transmit illnesses to humans. Anyone with a weakened immune system, children and elderly people need to take special precautions around any animals.

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10y ago

Some places ferrets can pass along certain species of worms, majority of which we ourselves aren't effected by & we just pass them along ourselves as vectors. You're more likely to have issues with rabies, ringworm (a fungal skin disease) & the common cold/flu. There's not much they can pass on to humans, really.

Some people have had stomach upsets if they've come into contact with a particularly dirty ferret (basically, one that's been kept in unclean conditions & never been bathed) & have ingested faecal matter. Abcesses from bites are also another thing, but these are pretty rare seen as ferret mouths are cleaner than a humans.

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14y ago

Cancer is one of the most common diseases and cause of death in ferrets. There are several cancers that ferrets are prone to.

Refer to link below for more information

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If a ferret has Aleutian disease virus and is very sick should he be put to sleep?

If your ferret is very sick, and is not able to perform regular activities, Yes, because he will not recover from Aleutian disease and there is no need for your ferret to suffer and be in pain. I'm so sorry your ferret is sick.

How do you make ferret regurgitate?

You cannot make a ferret regurgitate. Contact your veterinarian ASAP if your ferret is sick

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Anything left wet on a carpet has the potential to cause mold

How do you make your ferret vomit?

You cannot make your ferret vomit. If your ferret is sick, please contact a veterinarian ASAP.

Can diarrhea get a ferret sick?

Yes, Diarrhea is a symptom of a disease or illness

How long is a Ferret?

Cmon man, a ferret year is as long as a human year but if you mean in comparison to dog years, which is 7:1 human, then a ferret year would be 12:1 if your ferret lives to be ten, that would be 120 years old.

Can a ferret get sick by eating half a hot cheeto?

Ferrets in general should only eat raw meat, or high quality ferret kibbles. Their digestive system generally handle plants and other items poorly. Don't give the ferret human food, as this will not benefit them and may cause health problems. If the ferret accidentally eats some human food, the biggest risk is intestinal blockage (especially for hard stuff like raw carrots that the ferret can't digest). Softer items like cheetos / chips that dissolve pretty much in water should hopefully not cause anything other than a passing case of diarrhea. Be sure to make sure it drinks some water. Also a tablespoon of oil like sunflower oil is good for ferrets and may lubricate the digestive system a bit.

How long is a Ferret year?

Cmon man, a ferret year is as long as a human year but if you mean in comparison to dog years, which is 7:1 human, then a ferret year would be 12:1 if your ferret lives to be ten, that would be 120 years old.

Your ferret is bleeding from her bum and has runny eyes loss of appetite?

The best thing to do for your ferret is to take her to the vet as soon as possible. She is most likely sick, and as ferrets have a weak immune system this could cause the death of your beloved friend.

What is the best kind of ferret to purchase?

It depends on your lifestyle. A baby ferret will need to have lots of human attention to be properly socialized and correct training. An adopted older ferret should already be trained and not as hyper as a baby ferret.

Is it bad to put plastic tape in a ferret's cage?

The ferret might chew on the tape and cause stomach problems

Why is the ferret underweight but still having bowel movements?

Could be an internal parasite which feeds on the food the ferret ingests, hence the ferret doesn't get enough nutrition. Could be other diseases which cause improper absorption of nutrients or ones which cause high metabolism. You should take your ferret to the vets where they can test for various ailments that might be causing the ferret to be underweight.