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No, they require taurine in their diets. Although they are omnivores in the wild their nutritional requirements are closer to that of a carnivore.

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Q: Can a fennec fox survive without meat?
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Does the fennec fox eat meat?

The fennec fox is an omnivore. Food sources include plants, rodents, insects, birds, eggs, and rabbits.

Is the fennec a mammal?

No, the fennec fox is an omnivore.

Is a fennec fox an herbivore?

No, the fennec fox is an omnivore.

What is fennec fox's hibernation?

The fennec fox does not hibernate. There is no species of fox that hibernates.

Does the fennec fox have a vertebrae?

As the Fennec Fox is a mammal, it does have a vertebra.

Is the fennec fox extinct?

No, the fennec fox is in no danger of extinction.

In what biome does the fennec fox live?

The fennec fox lives in the Sahara Desert.

What part of the desert do fennec fox live in?

The fennec fox or fennec is a small nocturnal fox found in the Sahara of North Africa.

Is the fennec fox internal?

Yes, the fennec fox has internal fertilization.

How does the Europe desert fox survive?

There is no 'Europe desert fox.' The most common fox in Europe is the red fox. The true desert fox - the fennec - lives in the Sahara of northern Africa.

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